Results: published and forthcoming

List of Publications that came out of this project (or are forthcoming)


Teeuwen, M.J. and I. van Renswoude (eds.), The Annotated Book. Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy  38 (Turnhout: Brepols 2017). 27 contributions, 783 pages, 68 plates. Proceedings of the conference held in June 2015.

Steinová, E. (2016), Notam superponere studui: the use of technical signs in the early Middle Ages. PhD dissertation, Utrecht University (2016). Revised version is forthcoming in Brepols’ Series Bibliologia, 52 (planned for 2019).

Articles and Chapters

Renswoude, I. van and E. Steinová (forthcoming), ‘The Annotated Gottschalk: Symbolic Annotation and Control of Heterodoxy in the Carolingian Age’, in W. Pezé, P. Chambert-Protat, J. Thompson, and J. Delmulle (eds.), La controverse carolingienne sur la prédestination. Histoire, textes, manuscrits, Actes du colloque international de Paris des 11 et 12 octobre 2013, Haut Moyen Âge 32 (Turnhout: Brepols, scheduled for November 2018).

Renswoude, I. van, ‘The Censor’s Rod: Textual Criticism, Judgment, and Canon Formation in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’, in: M. J. Teeuwen, I. van Renswoude (eds.), The Annotated Book. Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38 (Turnhout: Brepols 2017), 555-595.

Renswoude, I. van (2017), ‘The art of disputation: dialogue, dialectic and debate’, in: Early Medieval Europe 35.1, Special Issue Dialogue and debate in late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, M.B. de Jong and I. van Renswoude (eds.), 38-53.

Renswoude, I. van and J. Raaijmakers (2016), ‘The ruler as referee in theological debates. Reccared and Charlemagne’, in: R. Meens, D. van Espelo, B. van den Hoven van Genderen, J. Raaijmakers, I. van Renswoude, C. van Rhijn (eds.), Religious Franks. Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms. Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong (Manchester University Press), 50-70.

Renswoude, I. van, with C. Baumgartner (2015), ‘Heresy’, in: Robert Segal, Kocku von Stuckrad (eds.) The Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (Leiden: Brill), 156-159.

Renswoude, I. van and M.J. Teeuwen (2014), ‘Voorpublicatie, censuur en zelfcensuur in Oudheid en Middeleeuwen. Of: hoe een auteur zich kan wapenen tegen openbare kritiek en straf’, in: J. Gabriëls, I. Huysman, T. van Kalmthout, R. Sluijter (eds.), In Vriendschap en Vertrouwen. Cultuurhistorische essays over confidentialiteit (Hilversum: Verloren), 241-256.

Renswoude, I. van and R. Kramer (2014), ‘Dissens, Debatte und Diskurs. Kirche und Imperium im Karolingerreich’, Historicum (Spring/Summer issue 2014), 22-27.

Renswoude, I. van, with C. Baumgartner (2014), ‘Censorship, Free Speech and Religion’, in: P. Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religions, vol.2: Public and Ethical Controversies, Praeger Multi-Volume series (Oxford), 123-151.

Renswoude, I.van (2013), ‘Licence to Speak. The Rhetoric of Free speech in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’, in: The Cultural Significance of the Natural Sciences (Praemium Erasmianum Yearbook 2012, Amsterdam).

Steinová, E. (2017), ‘Technical signs in Early Irish Manuscripts’, in: The Annotated Book. Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017), 37-85.

Steinová, E. (2016), ‘The List De notis sententiarum in the Liber Glossarum’, Journal of Medieval Latin 26, 315-362.

Steinová, E. (2015), ‘Psalmos, notas, cantus: the meanings of nota in the Carolingian period’. Speculum 90:2 (2015), 424-457.

Steinová, E. (2014), ‘Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS Clm 6298: A new witness of the biblical commentaries from the Canterbury school’. Anglo-Saxon England 43 (2014): 45-55.

Teeuwen, M.J. (forthcoming), ‘Die Ränder der Handschrift als Spiegel des mittelalterlichten Geistes: Die karolingische Zeit’, Wolfenbütteler Hefte 35 (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek).

Teeuwen, M.J. (forthcoming), ‘The ars musica in Glosses and Commentaries in Early Medieval Manuscripts’, chapter in the edited volume Music in the Carolingian World: Studies in honour of Charles Atkinson (Columbus, Ohio).

Teeuwen, M.J. (2018), ‘Practices of Appropriation: Writing in the Margin’, in: E. Kwakkel and R. Thompson (eds.), The European Book in the Twelfth Century, (Cambridge University Press 2018), 139-156.

Teeuwen, M.J. (2017), ‘Voices from the edge: annotating books in the Carolingian period’, in: M. J. Teeuwen, I. van Renswoude (eds.), The Annotated Book. Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38 (Turnhout: Brepols 2017), 13-36.

Teeuwen, M.J. (2016), ‘Writing in the Blank Space of Manuscripts: Evidence from the Ninth Century’, in: B. Crostini, G. Iversen and B.M. Jensen,  Ars Edendi Lecture Series Volume IV (Stockholm: Stockholm University Press), 1-25.

Teeuwen, M.J. and S. O’Sullivan (2016), ‘The Harvest of Ancient Learning: Healthy Fruits or Rotten Apples’, in: R. Bremmer Jr. and C. Dekker (eds.), Fruits of Learning.The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (Leuven: Peeters), 303-320.

Teeuwen, M.J. (2016), ‘Three annotated letter manuscripts: scholarly practices of religious Franks in the margins unveiled’, in: R. Meens et alii, Religious Franks. Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong (Manchester University Press), 221-239.

Teeuwen, M.J. (2015), ‘Carolingian Scholarship on Classical Authors: Practices of Reading and Writing’, in: E. Kwakkel (ed.), Manuscripts of the Latin Classics, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Book Culture ( Leiden University Press), 23-50.

Teeuwen, M.J. (2014), ‘The master has it wrong. Dissenting voices in commentary texts’, in: E. D’Angelo and J. Ziolkowski (eds.), Auctor et auctoritas in latinis medii aevi litteris. Author and Authorship in Medieval Latin Literature, Volume of Proceedings of the International Medieval Latin Congress (SISMEL: Edizione del Galluzzo), 1097-1108.

Teeuwen, M.J. (2013), Inaugural lecture Stemmen van de zijlijn: de organisatie van kennis in middeleeuwse handschriften, 11 January 2013, published online at

Teeuwen, M.J. (2013), ‘Seduced by Pagan Poets and Philosophers: Suspicious Learning in the Early Middle Ages’, in: C. Giliberto and L. Teresi (eds.), Limits to Learning. The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (Leuven, Paris, Walpole, MA: Peeters), 63-80.

Teeuwen, M.J. (2011), ‘Marginal Scholarship: Rethinking the Function of Latin Glosses in Early Medieval Manuscripts’, in: P. Lendinara, L. Lazzari, C. Di Sciacca (eds.), Rethinking and Recontextualizing Glosses. New Perspectives in the Study of Late Anglo-Saxon Glossography, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 54 (Porto: FIDEM), 19-37.


Blog posts and interviews

Renswoude, I. van: interview ‘Keep the book’, in: KNAW (2016), Opening the book on open access. What researchers think. Amsterdam: KNAW 2016, 40-41, translated from the Dutch. Original title: Open boek over open access. Onderzoekers aan het woord.
Renswoude, I. van: interview in Het Parool, 24 Jan 2015: Elke cultuur vindt de eigen grenzen logisch.

Renswoude, I. van: interview op Radio 5, De kennis van nu, 13 May 2014: Vrije meningsuiting in de Middeleeuwen.

Renswoude, I. van: interview in NRC Handelsblad, 2 Oct 2014: In de vroege middeleeuwen was kritiek nog welkom.

Steinová, E.: interview in NRC Handelsblad, 18 March 2016: Lees even mee met een negende eeuwse monnik.

Steinová, E., ‘Marginal Signs: Central for Understanding Early Medieval Thinkers’, published at Shells and Pebbles: Interesting Finds on the Shores of the History of Science, 14-04-2015.

Steinová, E., ‘Notam superponere studui: the use of technical signs in the Carolingian period’, published at Mittelalter: Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, 29-09-2014.

Steinová, E., ‘Asterix and Obelix on a visit to the Middle Ages’, published at Voices from the Edge, 05-09-2014.

Steinová, E., ‘Snakes and Ladders’, published at Voices from the Edge, 10-05-2014.

Steinová, E., ‘Carolingian Critters IV: Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67F’, published at Mittelalter: Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, 30-01-2014.

Steinová, E., ‘Carolingian Critters III: Munich, BSB Clm 6253’, published at Mittelalter: Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, 20-06-2013.

Steinová, E., ‘Carolingian Critters II: Leiden, Voss. Lat. F 113’, published at Mittelalter: Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, 22-02-2013.

Steinová, E., ‘Carolingian Critters: Munich, Clm 6298’, published at Mittelalter: Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, 16-01-2013.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘Seminar ‘Medieval Margins’ in Leiden on 17 March’, published at Voices from the Edge, 21-03-2016.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘What is Martialis Doing in a Medieval Monastery?’, published at Voices from the Edge, 10-09-2015.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘Successful Conference on Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing’, published at Voices from the Edge, 26-06-2015.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘Conference on Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing in June 2015’, The Hague, published at Voices from the Edge, 30-10-2014.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘Heineken Young Scientist Prize for Irene van Renswoude’, published at Voices from the Edge, 03-10-2014.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘A Prezi for marginal phenomena’, published at Voices from the Edge, 19-06-2014.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘Hunting down annotations in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München’, published at Voices from the Edge, 03-04-2014.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘Tironian notes in the margin’, published at Voices from the Edge, 28-02-2014.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘The Manuscript as Mirror of the Medieval Mind’, published at Voices from the Edge, 28-01-2014.

Teeuwen, M.J., ‘Voices from the edge’, published at Voices from the Edge, 10-12-2013.